Malé Bronzy a Cíny Stanislava Hanzíka
BERKA, Cestmír and Josef Sudek

[Prague] Galerie Dila Usti nad Labem. 1972.
First edition. Exhibition catalogue for a show of sculptures by Stanislav Hanzik in Prague in 1972. 230x165mm. pp. 28. 14 pp of text and 16 (unpaginated) pp of photographs and 1 page of list of sculptures at the exhibition, final page blank. Text in Czech. Original brown card wrappers with Hanzik's signature printed in red on upper cover, all in excellent condition. Sudek began life as a bookbinder but after losing an arm in WWI, became a photographer and was the great 20th century chronicler of Prague. This exhibition catalogue, although on the face of it a modest set of photographs of bronze sculptures, demonstrates Sudek's stark, clear cut style.
First edition. Exhibition catalogue for a show of sculptures by Stanislav Hanzik in Prague in 1972. 230x165mm. pp. 28. 14 pp of text and 16 (unpaginated) pp of photographs and 1 page of list of sculptures at the exhibition, final page blank. Text in Czech. Original brown card wrappers with Hanzik's signature printed in red on upper cover, all in excellent condition. Sudek began life as a bookbinder but after losing an arm in WWI, became a photographer and was the great 20th century chronicler of Prague. This exhibition catalogue, although on the face of it a modest set of photographs of bronze sculptures, demonstrates Sudek's stark, clear cut style.