Hosanna I Fab Dafydd, Neu Gasgliad o Hymnau

Mristo [Bristol]: E. Ffarley. 1753.
12mo in 6s. pp. 48. Bound with the 1751 First edition of this title. pp. 48. Bound with Mer difinyddiaeth iachus: mewn ffordd o ymddiddan. Mristo: E. Ffarley, 1754. pp. [6], 162, [4]. Bound with Catechism Byrr a Buddiol. Mristo: E. Ffarley, 1755. pp. 52.
Brown morocco, borders in blind, rebacked. Some creasing and cracking to the boards and rubbing and wear to the corners. Some soiling and water staining to the lower edge of Mer difinyddiaeth iachus. Otherwise a very good collection of rare Welsh religious texts including the first and second editions of William Williams's earliest compendium of hymns. Williams is the most celebrated of Wales's hymn writers and a major figure in the Welsh Methodist movement of the eighteenth century. With near contemporary ownership inscriptions.
Mer difinyddiaeth iachus is the first edition of the translation into Welsh of Edward Fisher's The Marrow of Modern Divinity first published in 1646.
All are rare: Mer difinyddiaeth iachus: 6 copies located.
Hosanna I Fab Dafydd, Neu Gasgliad o Hymnau 1751. One copy (National Library of Wales)
Hosanna I Fab Dafydd, Neu Gasgliad o Hymnau 1753 Two copies (National Library of Wales and Bangor University)
Catechism Byrr a Buddiol. 1755. Seven copies