La Caricature

Paris: Gabriel Aubert. 1830-1835.
Lithograph with hand colouring (255x190mm). Artist unknown. The image, from the satirical journal "La Caricature" shows a young woman and an old woman (possibly a nun) both kneeling outside a confession box. The door of the box opens to reveal a priest eagerly listening to the sins of the young woman which are, one presumes, somewhat juicier than those of the devout vieille dame at her prie dieu. These prints containing a door or window which opens to reveal a visual joke not anticipated by the principal image are a feature of "La Caricature". Mounted on white card but unframed.
'La Caricature', the satirical journal founded by Charles Philipon and published from 1830-35. It began, after the lifting of strict censorship at the July Revolution of 1830. It started as a largely non political magazine and this charming and amusing print is in that fairly gentle tradition. but adopted a more political tone after 1832 when it began its attack on Louis Philippe (famously portraying him as a pear). The journal was often shut down and it was forced to cease publication in 1835 following government legislation. Philipon himself was sent to prison. Distribution of the journal was undertaken by Philipon’s brother in law Gabriel Aubert.