This is the first Catalogue from Voewood Rare Books. In the spirit of the house, it is eclectic, idiosyncratic, perhaps slightly anarchic and, we hope, interesting and arresting. It ranges widely from Elizabethan food to Pop Art, Alexander Macmillan's own copy of Westward Ho! (the first novel published by his firm) to naughty limericks and from Gladstone's proof copy of the work he wrote when his first spell as Prime Minister ended to the first draft screenplay of Apocalypse Now.
Highlights include annotations by S.T.Coleridge, the complete set of William Morris woodcuts for Cupid and Psyche, D.H.Lawrence autograph letters and a Francis Bacon Life Mask.
Click on the small image of Bacon mask which is our front cover to link to the catalogue.
We hope you enjoy reading it and that you will find something to interest you. If you have any questions on any of the items, please contact Andrew initially on andrew@voewood.com or 01263 715539
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